A sims four Legacy, Matriarch style! (No name yet!)

05-31-17_8:45:59 PM

“Oh Crap. No! No! No! I want not to exist right this second! I’ve heard rumors about you! You do evil things! Horrible things to sims! Murder, incest!”

Oh Danna, relax. That was like…a decade ago. Gimme a break. I’ve matured, I no longer murder for fun…Sims 4 sims whine to much. Oh boofreakingwho you killed my husband/wife! TWO DAYS of crying!? And you can’t woohoo relatives, not that I checked or anything.

And I’m going through some pretty serious health issues right  now, so this gives me something to do.

05-31-17_8:46:15 PM

So yeah I wouldn’t continue to stand there and mope, since you’re a vampire and all. Want to die before I get this legacy started? Wanna climb in that coffin? You know, the only thing you own since I cheated all your money away except $500.

Danna’s LTW…wait no, that’s sims two. Um…your uh…thing that you want to do with your life involves parenting. What ARE those things called?

05-31-17_8:49:18 PM

“I’m thinking death might be safer then having you play me.”

Well, technically….I  mean you are already dead. Whole vampire thing?

05-31-17_8:53:13 PM

During her first night of existence Danna gets up close and personal with the residents of uh…what the heck is this  neighborhood? Well, nobody cares. So moving on.

05-31-17_8:54:00 PM

No preference there Danna?

“Blood is blood. Who cares where it comes from?”

Uh, plasma Danna. Plasma. Politically correct and all that. Family friendly game?

05-31-17_9:01:43 PM

“No cheating, eh? Putting showers on a community lot, and  coffin?”

I can easily delete it Danna. Do the sun’s rays burning you alive sound fun?

“I’ll go back to being quiet now.”

Good girl.

05-31-17_9:14:27 PM

Since I like Danna here being not dead and all. She is taking up painting until she earns enough vampire skill points to be sun resistant. Plus then she can stay home and raise the kid (or kids) she is going to have. I freaking HATE toddlers in this game. So needy. So whiney. So….tedious. Adorable, but annoying has heck.

05-31-17_9:18:00 PM

So yeah…Danna’s first days of existent are pretty boring. Sucking sims dry during the night to raise her vampire skills, and studying or painting during the day at the park. It’s beyond boring…so yeah. Moving on.

05-31-17_9:26:39 PM

“Should I be impressed by her vampire skills, or offended by her outfit?”

Take what lessons she can teach you it moves you closer to not burning to death in the sun light.

05-31-17_9:30:05 PM

So Danna here has like $3,000 to her name from painting and collecting rocks, so its time to start looking for a baby daddy.  At this point I still wasn’t sure this was going to be matriarch. I just wanted Danna to have a couple of different baby daddy’s.

05-31-17_9:44:21 PM

Then after a quick trip to google to look up Alien night at the bars, and looking up what a vampire/alien would produce (I’m so not in the now for the sims 4), I decided that baby daddy #1 was going to be an alien. Getting abducted takes to long, and here I get a 50/50 shot as soon as Danna gets knocked up.

Kinda disappointed no hybrids 😦

05-31-17_9:49:21 PM

“The entire purpose of my existence is to suffer at the wrath of the creator. I  mean honestly…what the heck. And one of you two alien dudes is going to get me pregnant. Or maybe both of you…maybe you to human dude.”

Danna, I’m not really sure they want, or need, to know that. Once they uh probe you they will no longer be needed or welcome in your house.

05-31-17_10:00:56 PM

Crappy house that it is. Danna’s $3,000 got her a few walls, a shower, and an easel to earn some money. At least now we don’t have to live at the park anymore! And no toilets/kitchens needed! Best part about vampires.

05-31-17_10:03:56 PM

“I’m bored…like beyond bored. I bite people and paint, what kind of life is that?”

Oh don’t worry Danna things are going to change VERY soon.

05-31-17_10:14:45 PM

“Hold on a second, would you?”

Danna! Get off of that phone! Seduce that purple dude whose name I forgot and get knocked up!

“I live forever, what’s the rush?”

My sanity.

05-31-17_10:29:51 PM

They were certainly rocking that coffin. Dang.

05-31-17_10:30:29 PM

I am in love with this animation. So cute. To bad purple dude won’t be back if he probed you correctly.

05-31-17_10:30:46 PM

Second and third time just to be safe. And then Danna went and peed on a stick. Eating for two! Come on alien baby!

05-31-17_10:56:31 PM

Mortimer! *fan girl swoon* His baby is next! If we get an alien!

“But…I’m pregnant. And…he’s married…?”

Don’t care! Would something like the sacred bonds of marriage stop me from getting you to seduce him? Heck no!

05-31-17_10:58:40 PM

You could get pregnant with his kid, ruin his marriage, and marry him without  moving him in! Its perfect! Still matriarch! He isn’t living on the lot.

“Ugh. Can we just wait until after the kid is born?”

At least they don’t have those horrible family sim wants of having six little ankle biters. Danna here would be happy with one. Lets see how horrible the toddler phase is…I have never played through that stage. Always start my other families off as children. My first actual legacy. I’m not sure how horrible it is going to be yet…?

05-31-17_11:22:53 PM

Aww look Danna, he would be a good daddy!

“…..how about I just seduce Bella while I’m at it?”

You know….I love that idea! Seduce them BOTH! You could even get Bella pregnant! Such a great idea Danna!

“So many regrets right now.”

05-31-17_11:34:44 PM

I didn’t realize that pregnant vampires could still bite people. Wow. Or how safe that is? Kid is going to have issues.

05-31-17_11:36:23 PM

Last meal Danna, like literally. You eat anymore your going to vomit it up. Vampire perk!

05-31-17_11:58:13 PM

*chants* Alien, alien, alien…

05-31-17_11:59:16 PM

…Damn it Danna. I wanted an alien, not a vampire! Sex doesn’t even matter since sims 4 allows me to change that. Welcome baby vampire Caraline into the world. After my niece. Stupid, non alien, vampire baby…pfft.

06-01-17_1:42:03 PM

And Danna goes on a feeding spree after Caraline is born. Gotta try and earn more vampire point things, get that sun resistance!

06-01-17_1:46:21 PM

And after like 6 hours I grew that annoying, crying, obnoxious little ankle biter up. She’s kinda cute. And soon regretted it. The tantrums, the hunger, the difficulty in being a single parent in sims 4! It was NEVER hard in sims 2! …and I never played sims 3 long enough to find out. I know I owned it, but I hated it and sold it.06-01-17_1:50:41 PM

Danna, the monster wants you! Put DOWN the phone!

“Can’t I just need to beat this level in Candy Crush.”

So Caraline just sat there making a mess. And Danna’s painting has improved to the point they have a kitchen from the new parenting pack, since apparently you actually have to feed vampire toddlers.

06-01-17_1:53:48 PM

While Danna is home paining Cara here just goes out on the town. BY HERSELF. That is not safe! Go home!

“Nooo. Dis is more fun!”

HOME! NOW! Your taking advantage of the fact that toddlers can go pretty far and no warnings come up…hey  kid just go talk to strangers. Take candy.

06-01-17_1:55:40 PM

And I’m pretty damn sure that plant could eat YOU. Cute interaction though.

06-01-17_1:57:34 PM

“Make it stop…the crying….its so ….needy.”

To bad we can’t shove her in a crib and ignored her like you could in sims 2. These sims 4 toddlers get around.

06-01-17_2:06:03 PM

Toddler tablet earns Danna a few moments of sanity. But then Caraline is bored and up again. *bangs head on desk* Ugh!

06-01-17_2:07:48 PM

Caraline! Stop harassing your possible sibling’s future daddy. Not that I hit the “bite” interaction to see what it would do.

06-01-17_2:08:11 PM

That creepy, not so innocent, face. After taking a chunk out of Mortimer. To bad we don’t have enough money to hire a nanny yet. I’m tired of making Danna take care of this kid.

06-01-17_2:20:01 PM

Caraline is a child in three days so its time to try for baby number 2. Mortimer is out because I still want an alien. So its Mr. Blue Alien this time. Hope genetics rules in my favor.

06-01-17_2:21:39 PM

Any splitters there Danna?

“Shoo, making another kid. And the nanny can raise this one!”

I concur. I HATE toddlers.

06-01-17_2:23:46 PM

“I know you don’t like me”

Please don’t look at me like that, its creepy!

“Everyone loves this face. Look how cute I am. And bunnies.”

You will be cuter once you grow the heck up!

06-01-17_2:26:33 PM

Fine, go ahead, play in the toilet. The past five days have been HELL. I don’t care what you do anymore. Just don’t get taken away!

06-01-17_2:28:46 PM

Run around naked in the streets. Give the neighbors a show. I am SO DONE. And we have another monster on the way. What have I done? D:

06-01-17_2:30:45 PM

Yep, just wander. Hope social services doesn’t show up.06-01-17_2:35:01 PM

Musical farts? Oh Cara, please, please just GROW UP.

06-01-17_2:35:38 PM

No matter that your a pain in the #$*#*&$ ….

06-01-17_2:38:48 PM

Your momma still loves you. Ugh. And I’m still hoping for that alien spawn.

End Part 1.

Thanks for reading! This is my first legacy in a couple years. I hope to get back into murder and mayhem soon enough! Its to hard when your sim is raising evil toddlers to plot evil things.

If you would like to be a parent to the  next generation feel free to give me a search term/etc for your simself! No one will be moving onto the lot, but my sims are free to marry!