Murder is Fun Legacy!: Chapter 6: College Days and a wedding


Last time we left off the kids has just entered college. And Venus here, being a naughty little romance sim, wanted to fall in love with Dirk. Then woohoo him. So she did exactly that.

“It is strange….I feel desire only for Dirk. But yet I want many lovers.”

It is strange kiddo. Even though she wants multiple lovers occasionally her wants panel is spammed with wants for Dirk.

“Don’t see me complaining.”


Dirk also has some other uses. 

“If you were getting as much woohoo as me….you wouldn’t be complaining about term papers either.”

Oh be quiet!


From here on out the pictures get bigger/sharper! I fixed my game settings! *happy dance* I did try having Venus woo other sims, but still, she was spinning wants for Dirk on her date with other sims! 

“I miss Dirk!”

But you just woohooed him…like….2 hours before going it with this guy.



Even though I had killed him and denied letting him be a vampire, Booger found love with this girl. Let’s just call her Emma.

“That isn’t my name!”

Well, I don’t feel like booting up my game to figure out your name! 


And Saturn, well, she found love with grilled cheese.

“Worship the gooey goodness.”


I really should look up names. 

“I want to fall in love with her, but I still want Dirk.”

Oh for the love of…you are a sorry excuse for a romance sim. But I adore you. Let me see what I can do.


While not attempting to seduce the entire campus, Venus uses her brother to write her term papers. Being a knowledge sim he happily complies.


And Venus gets her wish. At this point I gave up on having her date any sim but Dirk. Her wants panel focuses on him. It’s rather annoying. Some great romance sim you turned out to be.

“I love you Dirk. No matter my romance sim ways!”

“You think they realize I’m right here? Not that I’m complaining mind you.”

Booger. These two don’t care who is watching. Honestly.


“Oh Booger. You are so bad!”

Getting ideas from your sister, are you?

“Maybe. I admit nothing.”


“Man….you know she is a romance sim, right? Think we can get her wants panel spinning for us?”

Don’t you two even think about it!


Listen Venus. I think you have an addiction. Do we need to enter you into a 12 step program?

“Voice go away. I wish to have my first woohoo.”


“Saturn, I see your fondness for grilled cheese has taken a life of its own. Is that…normal? I worry about you!”

“Grilled cheese is a healthy alternative to your woohoo addiction. So I’d call us even.”


The bad thing about a zombie with 0 nice/neat points is he is constantly breaking stuff. But Venus here cracks a smile when she has to fix things. In all my years playing off and on, I have never seen a sim smile when fixing things. I thought they just beat the heck out of them with the wrench!


“So awesome. So easy to make people pee their pants now!”

Booger here kept wanting to be a werewolf. So I visited the home lot and had Marcis savage him. Although Booger…I’m not sure eating rotten grilled cheese is a good idea.

“I’m a zombie, what is the worst that could happen?”


“Don’t say anything!”

I’m to busy laughing at you.


Booger here falls in love with uh…Emma. 

“Does this mean I get woohoo, like Venus does?”

I’m not quite sure how that would work but….if you guys want to give it a try.


Uh. Okay then.


So Emma, how was it?

“Limbs, and bites, and….”

Forget I asked!


“Dirky! Will you father my children?”

“Haha, your funny. Romance sims don’t want kids….right?”

“But Dirk, I HAVE to have children. It’s part of the legacy. Girl’s only.”

Don’t strain your brain to much Dirk.


While she isn’t sleeping around, Venus has befriended several sims on campus.  She is now part of the Secret Society. And we stole their cow plant. You can never have to many!


“Waaaaaaah! The cow was mean to me!”

I’ll put him/her on the “to murder” list Venus. Either that or either of your siblings would love to beat them up.


While her life is ruled by grilled cheese, Saturn does need to get a boyfriend. They are halfway through college. She needs a future baby daddy. 

“A lover of grilled cheese like myself please!”

For $5000 that woman BETTER deliver.


This hunk of a man is what we got. $5000. But the important thing was if he would listen to Saturn talk about grilled cheese.

“The gooey goodness rules my world, would you mine being second to the highlight of my life?”

“Babe, for you, I’ll worship cheese.”


And he listens to her talk about grilled cheese! Looks like we have a winner folks! And he has three bolts with Saturn. Maybe this will turn into an uglacy. With her eyes/his facial features this could possibly one ugly kid.


And here folks things get amusing. Well, to me at least. Remember that female teacher that Venus fell in love with earlier? Apparently this cow flirted with said teacher (who seems to be stalking Venus). Now Venus hates the cow and hates the teacher. She is angry for being cheated on. But said cow/teacher did not consider the fact that Venus has two siblings who do not take kindly to their sister being hurt.


First cheese lover Saturn attacked, but lost. What the heck!? She has 10 body points! NO FAIR!


“Woo, beat the snot out of her son!?

“Waaah, she beat me up!”

While Saturn is crying her eyes out because she (unfairly!) lost, Booger beats the snot out of the woman. But these two are not done yet.


Saturn wants to attack her again. And wins this time, with her family cheering her on.


Then Booger gives her another go. This sim really isn’t to bright. She did try to leave the lot after the fifth time she was attached, but….


Oh no! How did those walls get there!?


And Saturn and Sean get it on.

“We are melting the cheese of my…”

No Saturn!


“Hahaha. She died! HAHAHAHA!”


While Booger complains because he can’t laugh at her dying. Venus (and her ten nice points) cries her eyes out. Even though she hates the woman when she died.


Booger takes it upon himself to then smash the earn, and throw the teacher away.

“Well, she shouldn’t have hurt my sister!”

I understand Booger. And I agree.


At this point, Venus’s LTW of 20 lovers seemed unrealistic for me. She rolled junior year. She was spinning wants for only Dirk. She is now a fortune sim.


“Emma….will you *Groan* marry me?”

“Oh my decaying love bug, of course!”

*Tears* It’s so beautiful.


As college (thank plumbob) comes to an end Venus grows up into this horrible set of undies. Eww. Get on home girlie. We have money to earn and babies to make!


You too missy! 

“I’ll get more grilled cheese, right?”

Of course. Now back to the homestead!


“Ugh! This is horrible!”

I’ll fix it when you get home. Well, your new home Booger. 


The girls have moved back home. But before I move back to playing the main lot/family its time for a happy occasion. Oh my god Marcis…why are you dresses as Santa!? Hahahaha! Default elder formal clothing!?

And the “blessed” event? 

Booger’s wedding!


“Sweetie, even though I reek of death, I love you with all of my decaying heart. I promise to love you forever, and make you a werewolf as soon as night falls.”

“Oh Boogy-pooo! I love you, rotting carcass and and!”

Such a happy moment *cries*


Little zombie man found love! 

“Thank you Voice. For freedom from the hell of the main lot.”


Although Booger shoving cake into your new wife’s mouth might now be ideal.


And true to his word Booger turns his knowledge sim wife into a werewolf. 


Booger had me feeling bad. He rolled the want to have a baby. Since I’m not using cheats, the only option left was adoption. Time to leave the happy little family, and see what terror I can cause on the main lot…

End part 6

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